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Sunday, 4 June 2017

Pfingsten In Germany

Pfingsten is what we called Pentecost, Whitsunday or White Sunday in other countries like the UK and U.S.A. It is the 50th day after Easter and is celebrated not only here in Germany but also in other Christian countries.

Pfingsten / Pentecost day is a long weekend in Germany as Monday is also a holiday called Pfingstmontag. It is a national holiday. 

The Esel  (Donkey) of Wesel
There are many activities during Pfingsten like:
  1. Pfingstbaumpflanzen / Planting Pentecost tree. Putting fresh birch tree leaves made into braided garland and put it between two birch trees.
  2. Pfingstenkranz / Pentecost wreath. People who are dancing around the Pentecost tree on Pfingstsonntag / Pentecost Sunday and Pfingstmontag (Pentecost Monday) are the so called  Pentecost wreath.
  3. Pfingstochse / Pentecost Ox. This is a celebration usually held in the south of Germany. A cattle of ox are paraded into the field for the first time, wearing a head decoration full of flowers, ribbons and straws. 
Berlinertor / Berliner Gate in Wesel

Pfingstwochenende / Pentecost weekend is one of the longest weekend in Germany. A weekend for friends and families to see each other and enjoying each others company by eating cakes and drinking coffee or tea. It is also a time for having a  grill party at home. Some family enjoy their Pfingstwochenende in having a short vacation in the nearby countryside.

Here are some holiday celebrations in Germany:

I will change the photos when I find my backup photos of some cathedrals here in Germany. Thanks for reading and enjoy your Pentecost weekend!

Copyright 2017 by Thelma Alberts, All Rights Reserved


  1. This was interesting I didn't know this.Nice photos.

    1. Thank you very much for your nice comment Rasma. Take care.
